Tee’d Off

Episode 10: Ryder Cup Preview, Wachesaw East in Myrtle Beach!

Ben Clyburn Season 1 Episode 10

In this episode of Tee'd Off, PGA Professional Mike Deluca joins Ben and Aaron to talk shop on the upcoming Ryder Cup in Rome. Mike breaks down some of the beach's best finishing holes at Wachesaw East, and of course, what Tee's them Off!

As the Ryder Cup 2023 in Rome quickly approaches, the crew breaks down the matchup of rosters between the US and Europe squads. Rookies have made big impacts in the Ryder Cup in recent history, and both teams have an impressive selection of first year players. Aaron leans toward PGA tournament experience with the US rookies to make a difference, where Mike raises the point the European rookies will be making their first appearance on home turf. Ben thinks handling a hostile crowd will be a key element that the new US players will have to combat this year in Rome! For Ryder Cup predictions, Aaron and Mike both think the US will capture the Cup, and Ben is predicting a tight victory for the Team Europe!

The special guest of the episode, Mike Deluca, breaks down how we got into the game of golf and ended up in the Myrtle Beach area.  An avid golfer growing up and a long time vacationer to Myrtle Beach, Mike attended Coastal Carolina University with a focus in golf management. Through his education and internships at local courses in the area, Mike accepted the job as Head Professional of Wachesaw East Golf Club in 2017! 

Wachesaw East, a course in the Myrtle Beach Golf Trail collection of premium courses, is a highly sought after track located on the South Strand of Myrtle Beach. It attracts the interests of amatuers and pros alike, as Wachesaw has had the honor of hosting multiple LPGA Tour events! Boasting one of the best practice facilities on the beach, this is a great course to begin your next Myrtle Beach golf trip with a bucket of balls! Mike brags about 16, 17, and 18 as signature holes of Wachesaw East, claiming the closing holes as the best in all of Myrtle Beach- high praise! 

The myrtle beach package of the episode is the Myrtle Beach Golf Trail Replay Package, offering discounted pre-booked replays after 1:30pm! The accommodations of the episode are the Barefoot Resort Golf Villas, North Tower condos, and Yacht Club Villas condos. With 2, 3, and 4 bedroom condo options, MB Golf has you covered with some of the best golf course view and waterway view condos in Barefoot Resort!

Tee'd Offs for the Episode were classics! Ben is Tee'd Off about hitting off plastic mats at the driving ranges, claiming he doesn't get true feedback of how he's swinging! Mike's Tee'd Off about people taking advantage of the handicap designation to take golf carts beyond reasonable limits on the golf course. Aaron is Tee'd Off about friends not taking mercy gimmies when they are struggling on the links!

Tee'd Off Episode 10

Ben: [00:00:00] It's time for the Teed Off Podcast.

Okay. It is episode 10 of the Teed Off podcast. I'm Ben Clyburn, and I'm here with my co-host Aaron Thomas. Aaron, how's it going today, man? Good, Ben. How are you? Really, really good. We got a special guest in the studio today, Mike DeLuca from Watch Us All East. How's it going, man? I'm doing well. You guys doing all right?

Can't wait to talk to you in a bit, but let's go over the agenda of the show. We're gonna hit the front nine and talk the world of golf. The Ryder Cup is a little more than a week away. That is gonna be exciting. We'll have a lot of talking points there. Then we'll make the turn and talk with Mike DeLuca, he's the head PGA professional at Wachesaw East [00:01:00] Plantation and talk about his history in the game of golf and the beautiful course that is Wachesaw East.

Then we'll hit the back nine and talk all things Myrtle Beach Golf. You guys ready to jump in? Let's do it. Yeah man. Let's do it. The Front Nine

All right, The Front Nine. Aaron, we are a little more than a week away from the Italian showdown and I couldn't be more excited, uh, for a Ryder Cup really in Europe, even though we've had a terrible track record, uh, since 1993. Um, but are you guys getting excited for the Ryder Cup? I am. 

Aaron: I think the, uh, the USA is betting favorites.

I know that much so far, which is a good thing. So I feel pretty good about their chances to take one on a European soil, but. We'll see. 

Ben: Yeah, there's a lot of talking points, you know, heading into this Ryder Cup than [00:02:00] previously and a lot of things to compare. I don't know if you guys know this, but there's four rookies on the U.

S. squad and four rookies on the European squad. And let me just... Go over who they are. So on the U. S. side, it's Sam Burns, Wyndham Clark, Brian Harman, and Max Homa. And then on the European side, you've got Sepp Straka, Robert McIntyre, Nikolai Hojgaard, and Ludwig Aberg. I don't know if you guys have looked into Ludwig Aberg, but he is absolutely on fire.

Might be the 

Mike: next big thing they're talking, especially over in 

Aaron: Europe. That's what I've heard, yeah, so I don't, but I haven't, I haven't myself seen, seen him play very much, so it's tough to really say, but a lot of, a lot of big things I've heard coming, uh, from that side, so. 

Ben: Before I get, you know, heavy into him, uh, personally.

What do you guys think stack up rookies versus rookies? They may not play each other directly For the contest, but a lot of past [00:03:00] Ryder cups have been decided or have had x factors that have been rookies What do you guys think about? Our rookies against the European rookies. 

Aaron: Obviously, I'm going to say I like ours, but that's just me.

Uh, but I do think, um, I feel like maybe from an experience standpoint, not necessarily Ryder Cup, but just tournaments, things like that. I feel like the U. S. should, should have the better group, um, of rookies. But I, you know, I've been wrong on these things before. So... 

Mike: What do you think, Mike? You know, I agree with Aaron.

The only thing that I'm also thinking is, you know, they've got home turf advantage. Um, I think that plays, honestly, a huge part in the Ryder Cup. I mean, obviously, there's going to be plenty of people over there rooting for the USA team. Anytime the Ryder Cup's over here on U. S. soil, there's always plenty of people, you know, plenty, plenty of Europeans rooting for the European, Europe team.

So, um, you know, as, as far as rookies go, they might [00:04:00] be a little bit more relaxed maybe cause they're, you know, quote unquote home, even though, you know. They're not probably home, but um, but yeah, I, I, I think it's, it could be a flip of the coin. Like you said, you know, the, the, the rookies, it seems like every Ryder Cup plays a big factor, um, in the outcome.

So excited to see these guys and especially excited to see some of these European guys play that really don't get a chance to see too much. But, you know, obviously a hundred percent. Pulling for the U. S. team, it's one of, for me, it's one of the most exciting time or one of the exciting weekends of the year.

Um, I know it's every other year, but I always look forward to the Ryder Cup big time. And, um, you know, it's going to be interesting, especially what time of day it's going to be on. I know it starts, I saw something, uh, I 30 in the morning, I want to say for the first, for the first balls in the air. So, you know, depending on what day you get up and watch it, or do you get up and watch it, you know, is it.

Uh, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, do you go to bed early on Saturday and then your Sunday starts [00:05:00] early and you watch the final round and then football starts before you know it right after that. So it could be a long Sunday, depending on 

Ben: what your nightlife is going to be like, too. It's like, Oh man, you might be out and be like, Oh 

Mike: gosh, golf starting.

If you, yeah, if 

Aaron: you, uh, if you count golf. Uh, obviously football this time of the year. Yeah. There's no room for sleep in the schedule that weekend, so. It's true. No room. Might need a vacation day on that Monday. That's a great point. 

Ben: I will have to ask the powers that

be. Laughter. Mike, you mentioned, uh, the home field advantage in Europe. Now, I don't know if there's an Italian on the team, but they are in Europe. There's gonna be a lot less Americans there, uh, rooting them on and they're going to be loud and rowdy. So that's something I looked at when I looked at the rookies, um, because.

Yeah. If you're a rookie, hopefully your expectation level is kind of just go for it, but you also need to know, especially if you're playing on enemy soil, [00:06:00] what, how can you handle a crowd? And you look at our rookies, Sam Burns, he can get hot. I mean, he, he doesn't really care if he's playing in front of 50, 000 or three people, uh, Wyndham Clark.

He is a little bit of a question mark for me, but, you know, won a U. S. Open when everybody over there was rooting for Ricky. And then, uh, performed well in the very next major. Mm hmm. So, um, just on Europeans. He just talks confident. 

Aaron: Yeah. He just has confidence, which is huge. Yeah, 

Ben: I mean, a little too cocky for my personal taste, but for a Ryder Cup, you love it.

You know, kind of like, uh, Patrick Reid. It's like, dude, as an individual pro on the tour, I was like, golly. But, like, Captain America, when, when he was, you know, You know, representing the country. Um, Brian Harmon, he got people in his ear during the whole Open and improved himself. And then Max Homa will go at people on Twitter.

So, he, that right there, those four guys, the crowd is not going to affect them. [00:07:00] So, it's just going to be up to their game. So I would put an advantage, you know, to that. There's been rookies in the past that have, you know, crumbled or at least been affected by a tough crowd, both on both sides. But, uh, if you look over at the Europe side, Ludwig Aberg, he is just absolutely on fire.

So I think he's got nothing to lose. I would expect him to perform well, no matter who he's playing. Um, that's going to be tough. Um, Nikolai Hoggard, he actually has not had, he had a couple top five finishes in the last two qualifying events. But other than that, he's been pretty pedestrian the last couple years.

So I would put our rookies over, over him, any of our rookies. Uh, Robert McIntyre has played well, um, and so has Sepp Straka, uh, especially in the majors. So really, you know, Can Ludwig keep up the pace he is, he's on right now? That's gonna, you know, time will tell. We'll see next week. And Nikolai is a [00:08:00] real big question mark to me.

So with that, I'm, I'm gonna say that our rookies are going to, uh, make more of a difference. Uh, 

Mike: I like that. I, I think the opening line, like they say like the advantage, a money line and everything. It's like minus 110, 115 USA or 120. It's a, it's 

Aaron: pretty close. As of yesterday, it ranged, uh, for U. S. minus 110 to minus 125, depending on who you were betting through.

So it's, it's pretty interesting. Yeah. Um, and now of course they also mentioned that there is the, uh, the possibility of a tie. So they've got those set up as well, but. Which, a tie, we win, so yeah, not that I want to see that, but you retain the cup. So, 

Ben: well, you know, let's get into, before we get into the predictions of the tournament, um, let's get into something that we just talked about rookies.

Who are the anchors of the U. S. team? Because you look at, you look at the European team and [00:09:00] you could have really three anchors. That you could argue for. Victor Hovland, Jon Rahm, Roy McIlroy. Any of those guys could be anchors. We look, you look at our team. You know, who is our anchor going to be? And I'm saying it with a question mark because I don't really know.

I'd like to know who you guys think the anchor should be or will be. That could be two different answers. Um, I've got an idea, but I want to hear what y'all think first. Who is, who's The guy, the first guy through the door and the one that it's going to be on his clubs and on his shoulders to get this thing done and keep the team 

Aaron: around up.

Well, I think naturally you want to lean towards the one of the two guys, Jordan Spieth or Justin Thomas, because they have been the guys the last, uh, you know, last couple of Ryder cups, but I'm actually going to say Patrick Cantlie. Wow. Is going to be our guy this year. Why do you say that? Uh, first of all, he had his last Ryder Cup was great.

Um, took down some [00:10:00] big names and he is fiery in those, in those matches. I feel like he, and he's played well this year. He's been very consistent. Um, I know he's not the speediest player on tour. We've had that discussion, but. And this, uh, in this, this case doesn't matter. Um, but I feel like this is going to be his year where he's going to kind of take the, he's not going to, you know, Captain America, that, that title will always be with Reed, 

Ben: but yeah, he doesn't have the personality to do that, but that's a great.

Great point. He has past performance and, um, you know, he's a rock. Mm 

Aaron: hmm. Fiery. He is, he, I think he feeds off of it, too. I know if you watched his, uh, you know, in the previous Ryder Cup, he was, he was into it. And that's what I like to see. Not that any of the other guys aren't, but he really showed it. And I think he's played well enough this year, um, because I believe his last Ryder Cup was his first one.

So, he's, he's a veteran now. So, I think he's, he's gonna start carrying the, uh, the torch. Cool. 

Ben: Mike, who's [00:11:00] the, uh, who's the rock, who's the anchor of the U. S. team? That's a great 

Mike: question, Ben. I think there's two guys, um, but I think I'm leaning, I'll say the two guys, but I'm leaning one, I'm leaning more towards one than the other.

The two guys I'm thinking is, uh, Scotty Shuffler. I mean, the guy, when he plays bad, he plays good. Yeah, we've 

Ben: been saying that the last three episodes. 

Mike: It's ridiculous. I mean, he, you see him on the court sometimes and he's... You know, he's not putting well, or maybe he's not hitting the ball well. And all of a sudden he's like top 10, top five.

And it's just like, where did that come from now? I know the format's a lot different, but you know, in match play, you can throw away a hole or two here and there and be like, all right, well, I lost the hole. Whatever we're moving on. Um, and then the other one that comes to my head is. I really do believe Brooks Koepka, um, just loves, he just loves that fiery environment.

Um, but I'd have to lean more towards, um, I'd have to lean more towards Scheffler for being the anchor. I mean, if it comes down to... [00:12:00] Hey, this is, it could be our last match or our last two matches. I think you're putting up Koepka second to last and then Shuffler, you know, last match. I mean, either one of those guys are probably going to play McElroy and Rom, um, or could potentially, you don't know how the week's going to go, but I think Koepka.

I think there's a part of Koepka who misses the PGA Tour and misses the, um, excitement about the PGA Tour and misses the, um, you know, the other players and their skill level and everything that goes along with it. I think he, in my opinion, I think he, um, enjoys... The decision he made going to the live tour, but when you see him As fired up as he is in the majors and really wants to compete and really wants to win those tournaments I mean, he still wants to prove that he's one of the best in the world and I think you know There are some people who will say, you know live golf the live tour isn't That competitive compared to DP world tour and the PGA tour.

I mean, they've got, they've got [00:13:00] an argument right there, but I think from his point of view, he's still thinking like, I'm, I'm that good where I can play on any tour 

Aaron: is, and we've, we've had this discussion previously because Brooks is the only. player, I think on both teams is from the live tour. Um, but there's, there's no ill will between any of the PGA tour players and Brooks Koepka.

Um, it's been stated that, you know, Hey, he's never said anything bad. He just, he made a financial decision. And he never, you know, he never went out marketed live. He just went and played. So him and the guys, I mean, we played practice rounds with a lot of the guys on tour this year at the majors. So the locker room thing is solid there.

So I can see that. 

Ben: And we've gone over his decision to leave. Was didn't know if he was ever going to be back to the brooks Yeah injury who it was gonna be and you know all that money on the table. You're looking at your own You know family's financial future, you know, that's a [00:14:00] no brainer. But like you said he's been The quasi live guy.

He's still wearing nike. He's one of the only guys that Made sure that his Nike deal superseded his team deals, um, with those lame logos that everybody else wears. Um, but that's just kind of a sign that he, he does miss the PGA Tour. He misses those guys. He made a decision for money. He didn't hide from that decision.

And, uh, people have kind of just said, alright, you know, we understand it. But now that he's healthy, he wants to prove himself. And, hell, he has. I mean, to, to go out there and win a major, um, and compete. Um, and the other ones is, is very, um, telling for Brooks, but he wants to, he wants to show on an international scale that he, you know, could carry this team.

So, I mean, I think that's, that is a solid pick, Mike, for who the anchor is going to be. To me, I think, and you, you mentioned it, uh, An anchor's gonna be somebody that's gonna make a big pressure putt. [00:15:00] Yeah. Uh, in this thing, I don't know if it's gonna be the one that's gonna retain the cup or win the cup, or somebody that's gonna, something that's gonna keep us alive on, on a Saturday that's gonna give us, but it, um, momentum for Sunday.

But it's gonna be somebody that can do that. Unfortunately. That knocks Scotty Shuffler off the list for me. . It 

Mike: does. He has been, I was thinking 

Ben: it, I didn't wanna say that. He's got nine top fives this year and like you said, he is playing. Good when he plays bad. He's he's putted poorly. I mean we've said it many episodes in a row I don't know on this stage if that's going to his putters gonna wake up I just I don't think it is that the stats don't show it.

So he's off the list. So who's gonna make a big putt and Do you guys know this is Ricky Fowler's fifth Ryder Cup? 

Mike: I didn't realize it was his fifth, but yeah, so he was a captain's pick, right? Yep, 

Ben: he made his debut 13 years ago in 2010 played really well Yeah, and he in a [00:16:00] losing effort, he's one of the only guys that played well as a rookie But I think he's somebody that has you know, he's gonna be comeback player of the year by far.

He's had more top or top 10 finishes in his whole career, um, this year, and he got to win. So he's, he's completely off the snide. So it's either going to be him or Jordan Spieth. I've kind of been down on Jordan Spieth this year, but he's got the third most top fives on tour. So that's a, that was a surprise to me.

If, if Jordan Spieth's putter is on, he's the best putter on the planet. So that's, those are going to be my rocks. Um, I don't think that Justin Thomas's game is there. He played 

Aaron: well this past weekend. He really did. It was it's kind of a good showing Compared to what he had going into the it's 

Ben: a great.

It's great timing. Yeah, but I don't think he's coming in with What the complete form, what do you guys 

Mike: think about him being the last, wasn't he the last captain's pick? Uh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. 

Aaron: He was, yeah. Um, wait, 'cause there was a [00:17:00] lot of question on 

Mike: that. You had Tony Fina, you had some other guys in there.

Mm-hmm. . How, what, what were you guys thoughts 

Ben: about We made 'em, we made 'em pretty clear, uh, on the last one. Um, I would've, uh, Uh, I would have rather seen, and this is, I would have rather seen Spieth and Justin left off and put, uh, Keegan and Cameron Young on there. Uh, Keegan is a veteran that could have been the team guy like Justin Thomas and Cameron Young I just think is in a little bit better form and he plays, not with reckless abandon but would Play without just like a Sam Burns, you know, who cares about the crowd?

They're very similar To leave them both off, you know, Aaron and I debated about that because 

Aaron: I disagreed because I said I said they should be on Thomas was questionable, but the the leadership in the locker room is what this is all about. It's a team. It is the only team concept they have on, you know, in golf.

So I think that's just the biggest reason behind it. I 

Mike: think some of [00:18:00] the guys going into the Ryder Cup aren't really thinking too much about how they've been playing recently or in the past. Uh, or they struggled in the playoffs or maybe didn't make the playoffs or whatever it might be. I just think the atmosphere is so different that they throw everything out the window and they're there to hopefully, you know, and they think that they're winning as a team.

Ben: Yeah, that, Aaron said that in the last episode, you know, that spirit. is going to raise your level. And we debated a little bit about that. I would love to see it. And, um, we've seen it before. Um, and maybe we'll see it again. Let, let's talk about the predictions. You guys talked about the betting lines are very close.

So I don't, you know, we don't have to get into the specific score, but is it going to be a tight? Victory for the U S is it going to be a tight victory for the Europeans? Um, or is it going to be a blowout in either direction? I don't want to hear anything about a tie. So Aaron, what do you think? Uh, 

Aaron: I'm, I'm going to, I'm going to go us.

Um, I just feel like they got the team. [00:19:00] Um, the, the talk has been there to get that win on European soil for what feels like forever now. Um, so I think these guys are going to put it on their backs and they're going to, they're going to get it done, but I think it's going to be close. I really do, uh, just based on the, both teams, the lineups, um, of course a lot's going to have to do with pairings, you know, and we don't know those until the, pretty much the day of or the night before, whatever, whenever they do them, um, it's going to have a lot to do with it, but I think it's going to be U.

S. squeaks one out is what'll happen. 

Ben: Okay. So they're going to get off the schnide since 93 and win in Europe in a tight one. All right, Mike. 

Mike: Well, first I hope it's, I hope it's exciting. I hope it's close, you know, especially coming down into Sunday. Um, I always like for major championships, you know, big tournaments, I really want to see something that comes down.

There's four or five, six, seven people in the hunt coming down into, you know, Sunday or the back nine, whatever it might be. I just, I want it to be exciting Ryder cup. Um, I really don't want to [00:20:00] see like, 12 to 4 going into Sunday or something like that. But hey, 

Aaron: we've seen it and it's it's turned out to be good You're right.

Mike: Yeah You know what that being said, I just I can't bet against the u. s. I mean, I'm jumping on board with them I think it's gonna be close They're due for a victory over there and some European soil So I'm gonna go with them even you you look at that European lineup. I mean you got Victor Hovland You got Rory McIlroy John Rom, I mean Justin Rose has been there a bunch of times, uh, Matthew Fitzpatrick, Tommy Fleetwood, I mean those guys are good.

Shane Lowry. Yeah. Yeah. They're good. Yeah. Some good players. But, uh, like Aaron said, I mean, it's match play. Anything can happen. I mean, you can, you hit one OB, two guys hit one OB or alternate shot, I mean they call it, uh, what do they call it, four, you got four ball and you got, um. Foursomes. Foursomes is the alternate shot, and I mean, heck, alright boys, let's go on to the next hole.

We just lost that one. Let's put it behind us. [00:21:00] So, I think the Americans pull out a close one and, you know, bring home the cup. 

Aaron: An alternate shot seems to be the one that trips U. S. up a bit for some reason. Yeah, the Europeans really seem to excel in that one where the U. S. doesn't, but like I said, that's all parents thing.

So, we'll see. 

Ben: God, the viewers are gonna hate me. So, uh, at first, uh, my initial thoughts, um, was that Simone Golf Club is a lot like LeGolf National, um, where we were routed, um, so, and I, I went through the same roster to roster comparison, Mike, and I'm like, okay, Roy McIlroy, John Rahm, Victor Hovland, uh, you know, Justin Rose, Sepp Straka, um, Tommy Fleetwood, Fitzpatrick, yeah, so I'm thinking a route for Europe, and then I'm like, okay, so.

But, here's the difference between what happened in Paris and what's going [00:22:00] on, um, this year in Rome. Do you guys know that the US team didn't even scout Legolf National? Doesn't surprise me. Nobody went. And, and very few played in the, uh, the French tour event, uh, a couple weeks prior. Now, from a world ranking standpoint, we kicked their butt.

Um, so, but that just goes to show that individual performance doesn't matter. So, and we went in there and got routed. Um, almost every player has scouted it in the last couple weeks, and many played, um, if not in Europe, um, in the United States, um, in the weeks building up, which is great. So, I think we're taking it a little more seriously.

It's kind of like the redeem team for basketball. Um, I still think we're gonna lose a tight one. I'm sorry, I mean, and this is not with my heart. You know, this is with my brain. This is a betting thing. This is in a vacuum, looking at the records and looking at [00:23:00] the Jimmys and Joes on each team. So, and that is, I hope I'm wrong.

I really do. But I think it's going to be a tight defeat. So, but we will see. I will be up at 1. 30 in the morning, watching, waving the flag, and getting ready to go. Um, couldn't be more excited about it, um, and it's because we have a chance to do something that we haven't done since I was two years old. So, let's see if we can get it done.

It wouldn't be surprising if we won. I just think it is an uphill battle, so, but we gotta start good. I know that we've seen miracles. We've seen miracles in the other direction at Medinah. We have to start out. Not hot, just good. We don't want to be fighting, you know, fighting a losing battle all weekend and leaving it down to singles.

Let's, let's just keep pace. 

Aaron: Which is what they, yeah, obviously what they need to do, but that, which is when they've been routed, they get down and [00:24:00] they get down quick, but I don't, I don't see that with this team. So I feel like they're most of these guys are part of that, uh, you know, the Ryder cup committee guys.

And I, I feel, I feel pretty good about where they sit. So 

Ben: I'm happy that they're taking it more seriously. Then they did in, in 2018. And 

Aaron: that's, that's been a knock on it, you know, for, for years though, is how seriously is it taken. And I think this group, you know, they take it, take it seriously. So, um, on a side note, I would like to mention that, uh, Phil Mickelson will not be betting.

Um, I saw, saw earlier in the week. Um, he is, he is not betting on anything these days. So you can't ask for his advice. No football either. Now, um, on, uh, I guess somebody might've sent something or tweeted or whatever, X, whatever, whatever you want to call it now, um, something about gambling. And he actually gave a very polite response that he was, uh, gambling rehab, um, not, not betting.

So, so who have no money 

Ben: on it? [00:25:00] Okay. Well, we'll see. Um, no money publicly. 

Aaron: I'm sure he's got a guy that can place the bet for him. Michael 

Ben: George is getting him some action. Cause you know MJ will be there. Which 

Mike: is so cool. Oh, 

Aaron: I've got to tell you, I can actually tell this story since we're talking Ryder Cup.

Um, I don't know how many years ago it was in Chicago. Um, I had some friends that were there who said that the Ryder Cup's greatest sporting event they've ever been to. Well, one of my buddies is, um, I guess he was like, he was walking around a corner or something and this guy just like. Walks out of the woods.

We didn't know it was Michael Jordan. And I guess he looked over at my buddy and he's like, who's this guy? He's like, just coming out of the woods, even have a ticket, you know? Like, cause he didn't have like, I guess, you know, he just couldn't figure it out. Well, then once like a few moments later, he figured out it was Michael Jordan.

He was like, I was that close to Michael Jordan. I didn't know it. He's like, I thought it was just some random guy coming out of the [00:26:00] woods, but I, we laughed so hard over that story because he, like, he just was so dumbfounded that this guy walked out and just joined up. Oh man, that's 

Ben: awesome. That reminds me, un Ryder Cup related, and we'll wrap up the front nine after this, um, Roy went and watched, uh, Jack Nicklaus play.

It was in the late 80s, um, when Jack was struggling, um, and getting older. And it was like the Greensboro Open or something like that. And it was right before Jack was going to tee off and Roy had to go to the bathroom. And there was like a port a potty like in the woods. So he goes to the bathroom and missed Jack teeing off.

Jack hit it in the woods. So Roy comes out of the port a potty and there's a ball like 10 feet away from him. And then there comes this guy walking with all this crowd of people. And it was, uh, it was Jack. And they, they had some words. Jack was like, oh man, this is one way to start. I don't know what Roy said back, but It was par four.

Second shot went into the [00:27:00] bunker. On the green side bunker. And the third one went in the hole. So, it was a, it was a heck of a start, so, but that just reminds me of walking in the woods with a superstar, so it's pretty funny. But we will see what happens, um, we will certainly in the next episode recap either a close defeat or a close victory or a route in either direction of the Ryder Cup, uh, either way.

We're excited to see it. Um, that concludes the World of Golf and the Front Nine. Why don't we make the turn and, uh, talk things Watch Us All East with Mike DeLuca. Sounds good. Alright, let's do it. Planning an unforgettable Myrtle Beach golf getaway has never been easier. With mbgolf. com. 

Mike: At mbgolf. com, we give you the power of choice in pairing world class golf with premium options from golf course villas to oceanfront condominiums.

Brought to you by Condo World, 

Ben: the leaders in [00:28:00] Myrtle Beach luxury travel. Make your next stay and play journey to the golf capital of the 

Mike: world, the experience of a lifetime. It's all 

Ben: just a call or click away.

Alright, let's make the turn

and we're here with Mike DeLuca, head PGA professional of Wachesaw East Plantation. Uh, Mike, thanks for hanging out with us today. Let's talk your history in the game of golf. What got you into the sport of 

Mike: golf? So just being a kid, what I remember growing up is, you know, sports was like my life. I just always wanted to be outside running around doing something.

Where'd you grow up? I grew up in, um, New York. I always tell people right near Poughkeepsie, New York, which is a little north of New York City, like an hour and a half or so. And, um, you know, [00:29:00] just playing pretty much every sport growing up, doing everything I possibly could. If I wasn't doing it, I wanted to, wanted to play it.

So, um, my two main After trying soccer and t ball and everything else, my two main sports, uh, as I got older was, um, ice hockey and golf. And, um, played very competitive ice hockey growing up and realized the longer I I played in high school, the less of a chance I was actually going to make it to a successful and professional level in hockey, being my size and looking at other guys who were, you know, six, three, 200.

I was like, yeah, it might be a little small compared to these guys, but, um, really started to fall in love with the game of golf. Um, my family's at my, my dad and my grandpa played, you know, I saw them playing when I was growing up and I just kind of. Took a love for it. And, um, we used to vacation down here to the Myrtle Beach area as a family, as I was growing up and [00:30:00] found out, heard about, you know, did some research and found out that Coastal Carolina had a golf management program and did some research on that when I was in high school and kind of found out what it was all about.

And I was like, you know what? I love my sports. I love golf and maybe I can make this a career. So that's how I kind of got into it. I went to Coastal and you know, long story short, I pretty much tell everybody that I pretty much stayed here. I did some internships around the East Coast, did some internships here, Mid Atlantic area.

And, um, but pretty much, I mean, this has been home to me since 2006, essentially. Um, so I've been here, I always tell, I've been telling people I've pretty much been here as long as I've, uh, grew up in New York as well. So this is, this is, this has been home for me when I'm like out of the area or somebody I might not know.

And they're like, Hey, where are you from? I'm just like, yeah, Myrtle Beach. You know, I don't want to get into the whole story sometimes, but, um, you know, there are times I will, but yeah, um, just, this is where, this is home for me now. This is, I love it 

Ben: here, man. That is so cool. So, um, a [00:31:00] home since 06, went to Coastal.

What, um, what's your experience, uh, with the Myrtle Beach Golf Courses in the area? And, and how did you end up at Wachesaw East

Mike:  So, when I was in school, I... Um, worked part time and actually turned into a, a, um, internship at Press Week Country Club. Um, and worked, did my internship there, stayed on there, worked part time as well.

And for me, being in college, I was like, well, I can work at a golf course. I could, you know, play some free golf here. You know, get some gas money, get some beer money, get some food money, and so it wasn't a bad gig working part time there and made some good relationships there, made some great connections there.

That's where I met 

Aaron: you. 

Mike: Yeah. It was Presbyterian. We've got some good stories from being out of Presbyterian. Oh yeah. Yeah, absolutely. So, uh, try to make a long story short. Left. Press week for an internship in the Mid Atlantic area for about, um, 18 months, but I was still bounced back here. You know, it would make the short drive of seven hours back [00:32:00] here sometimes just because I still had friends here.

Um, still love the area. I always felt like this was home to me even when I was, even when I left. For a year and a half. And, um, so I would, I would be here. I feel like I say all the time, I would be here plenty when I could. Um, so, uh, when I got the opportunity to come back to the Myrtle beach area, then again, worked at Prestwick again for, I think another ballpark, six years.

So, so I was there, you know, two different stints, give or take right around seven years or just over seven years. Um, and then, you know, made a lot of good connections here in the area. Had a lot of great help there at Prestwick. Um, getting my foot in the door, meeting different people, meeting people in the industry.

Um, whether that, you know, through marketing or managing or whatever it might be. So, had some, um, really great people there to help me along the way. And had a professional job. Came up, uh, came open at Watch [00:33:00] Your South East in 2017. And, uh, applied for it and, um, Had, uh, again, some Um, some really great people tell me, Hey, this would be a great spot for you to be.

If you, if, if you know, you get accepted there, you know, if, if, if, um, you can make it work, it'd be a great spot. So I've been there since 2017 and gosh, it's been six and a half, it was, it was early 2017. So that's been six and a half years since I've been there now, 

Ben: seven years, two long stints at two, you know, really prestigious courses, uh, down in Myrtle beach.

That is, uh, that is awesome. Let's talk. Watch us all. Yeah. Um, especially since you've been there almost seven years now, you got to know it backwards and forwards. Uh, let's give a history of the Watch Us All East course, um, the designer and a number of holes, and then we'll get into, uh, what makes it 

Mike: special.

Yeah, Ben, so it opened in, uh, 1996, they actually had, as you guys might know, but they had the, [00:34:00] uh, They had four LPGA tour events there starting in 97, so 97, 98, 99, 2000, they had, uh, an LPGA tour event coming to town. Um, and I think late 2000 or early 2001. They redid, uh, Waukesha South East redid their greens, uh, I believe that they put in, um, Bermuda Tiff Eagle in 2001, 2000, 2001.

So the tour, the LPGA tour didn't go back and then for whatever reason, I just never went back after that. But um, it's a 18 hole facility, par 72, um, has a phenomenal practice facility in my opinion. It's, it's, it's very big. It's got a chipping green, putting green. It's got ballpark, 20 plus stations to hit balls.

Um, so it's, we actually have a lot of action out there on the, on the, on the range itself. And people just walk up sometimes, chip and putt, or they want to, you know, purchase some range balls or more to welcome to. But the golf course itself. I always tell it, it's, it's got a little bit of everything out [00:35:00] there.

It's got, it's, it's got some, uh, easy holes. It's got some really tough holes and it's got five, I say five different sets of tee boxes. We have five different tee boxes lists on the scorecard. We actually, in the last couple of years, we put some other team markers out in the fairways. If anybody wants to say, Hey, I want to play a little bit closer.

I just don't want to tee off in a random spot. But we've actually even put quote unquote like a six tee box even out there, whether it's someone who maybe doesn't hit the ball very far or it's a junior or it's a beginner or whoever it might be. I mean, there are plenty of people who have played for decades who say, you know, I just, I want to play as close as I possibly can.

So we've got five. To six different sets of tee boxes ranging anywhere from, you know, under 5, 000 yards to about 7, 000 yards. Um, yeah, like I said, it's, it's got, I'll put, I always say this, I'll put the last three or four holes of watch yourself up against almost any golf course. Um, and not knocking the [00:36:00] grand strand, but it's those last three holes at watch yourself, East.

Up against any three holes in the grand strand. It is tough. Um, number 18 is our signature hole and I hate 

Aaron: it. Coming out that tee shot, you come out that shoot. It is, that's what I always say. You feel like you're coming right out of shoot off of 18. Walk me through 

Ben: that hole. It's the 

Mike: signature hole. Part four, I think from the whites, it's a 400 yards.

Like Aaron said, you're, you're, it's like, It's, it's a pretty intimidating tee shot. You know, you're kind of coming out of a shoot, you know, it's definitely not like a number 18 at Augusta, but there's really no room to miss it quickly, left or right. If you miss it quickly, left or right, you're in trees. Um, so part four, you have to hug the right side or no farther left.

then the center of the fairway. If you miss it, left center or left side, you're actually blocked out by trees for your second shot because the, the green does hug up the hill a little bit to the left, guarded by water, by sand, um, plays a little bit longer up the hill. And it's [00:37:00] normally, it loves to play into the wind.

So yeah. Um, you know, 400 yards, you know, into the wind, got to hug the right side off the tee shot. It plays a little bit longer into the green on your second shot. Uh, you got a fairway bunker out there on your right shot, even though you're trying to hug the right side. Uh, if you want to blow it really far right, you can play from the range and dodge the range balls, you know, for your second shot.

And then if you're left, you know, if you're in the left rough or too far on the left side of the fairway, you could just be kind of advancing it maybe a hundred yards or so back. You know, forward to the right side of the fairway just to give yourself a third shot, um, to the green. So, sounds like a humbling hole.

It's brutal. It's, it's, it's tough. Well, it's no way to finish. 

Aaron: I can tell you, I've had some, I've actually had some pretty good rounds down there. And that hole has reminded me that I'm an average golfer many times. And 

Mike: then you come off 17, which is a par five. It's got water on the left side. It's got OB on the right side for your tee shot.[00:38:00] 

You know, 99 percent of us are going to lay up for our second shot into the par five and you have, it gets, the farther you go, the closer you get to the green, the narrower it gets, and you have water to your left and more water to your right. Short of the green is bunkers. The Creek goes across. The fairway right in front of the green.

So if you want to chunk your third shot before you, you know, you've want to chunk your third shot to the, to the green, you're going to be in the water, 16, 17, 18, or, or no joke coming down the stretch there, if you've got a good round going, just state might want to just stay a little modest and keep going and hopefully you can.

Play it safe. Yeah. I've seen 

Aaron: many people hit that second shot on 17 into water, woods, not, not middle of the fairway where you want to be. It is, it is, there are strong, strong three 

Mike: finishing holes. So, so Clyde Johnson was the architect. Um, and when I guess he put those first 15 holes together, he was like, all right, it's, you know, good challenge.

I guess 15 is a part three, 15 is a tough part three, in my opinion, but [00:39:00] the last three, uh, he's like, we're going to make this pretty tough here. 

Ben: So that's cool. That's a great characteristic to have a three great finishing holes. Um, on the grand strand is always something to brag about. And it sounds like watch saw yeast is a test, but a fair test.

And, um, you know, those last holes keep you humble. Uh, if you're having a great round, um, watch us, always is part of the Myrtle Beach golf trail, uh, collection of courses, Aaron, what is, uh, the featured package of this episode? That would be, uh, you know, a must have when, uh, playing watch us all east on your itinerary.

Yeah, that's going to 

Aaron: be the, uh, the Myrtle Beach golf trail replay package. Um, they are one of the. A few, um, packages, or maybe the only package at this point, I think they are, that, um, that offer, uh, pre book replays, um, which you can play when you play your morning round. You can pre book your afternoon round after 1.

30, um, at a really good discounted rate and get your afternoon round in. So if you are a, [00:40:00] a golf fanatic, uh, and you're down here to play golf, uh, you can do 36 a day. Um, any of their participating courses you can set up, do your morning and your afternoon round. So the trail replay package is definitely the way to go.

Ben: If you want to book the trail replay package or any other golf package related to Wachesaw East, go to mbgolf. com or call Aaron and his team. They're waiting to help you plan your next golf getaway to Myrtle beach. Well, Mike, uh, DeLuca head, p g a professional of wa Usaw East. Thanks for, uh, sitting in with us, um, and talking all things about wachesaw East.

Uh, it's a great test and a beautiful golf course. And, uh, I need to get back out there, uh, sometime soon. 

Mike: Ben, coming out. Appreciate you guys having me today. And, um, yeah, if, if, you know, if you're listening to this and haven't played it before, you know, get up with Aaron and he'll set you up. It's, it's, it's definitely in good track and it's in phenomenal shape right now.


We will, uh, definitely, uh, try to get out there ourselves, and, [00:41:00] uh, you listeners, definitely consider Watch Us All East, uh. To your itinerary for your next golf trip Mike you want to stick around and we talk some other things Related to Myrtle Beach golf on the back nine. Let's do it. All right, let's do over to it

Planning an unforgettable Myrtle Beach golf getaway has never been easier with MB golf. com With MB golf. com you get the choice of pairing world class golf courses on the Myrtle Beach golf trail with luxury oceanfront condos or golf villas Explore the Myrtle Beach Golf Trail at mbgolf. com, a Condo World Company.


Back Nine.

Okay, hitting the back nine. Uh, fall is upon us. Aaron, it is, uh, late September now. Um, how are the fall rounds  looking?

Aaron: [00:42:00] Fall rounds are good. Um, we have been busy. Of course we hit our, uh, we kind of hit our fall swing, uh, right around mid September and ride that pretty much through, uh, to Thanksgiving. Um, so we're, we're kinda in the swing of things as far as peak fall golf season goes.

Um, rounds are up, uh, weather has been phenomenal. Um, we've had, we've had a nice little stretch here of some fall like weather. So very low humidity temperatures. Good courses in good condition. I'm sure Mike seen it from his end to, um, just the, you know, the number of fall golfers have been traveling down here this year to play.

So, so fall golf is, is in, uh, is in peak form right now 

Ben: when, uh, I think the time. The top daylight savings is what? The second week of November, 

Mike: November 5th, I think 

Aaron: the first full weekend of November. 

Ben: Okay. So, you know, you can get some, some really great golf in, um, all the way into late October for, for [00:43:00] later rounds.

And then November weather is gorgeous in Myrtle beach too. So definitely. Consider, um, you know, a golf trip, um, the, the rounds, T sheets are filling up. 

Aaron: Yeah. If you're looking for a last minute, uh, you know, which would be last minute fall trip now. Uh, I mean, it's fall is a great time to do it. And like I said, the weather, the weather has been great.

Um, and courses are in great condition. I've been hearing that from, uh, you know, a lot of guests course conditions are really good. So, so it's a good time to book and come down if you want to do a last 

Ben: minute. Last minute for the fall is one thing, um, and it's never too early to think about your spring rounds and spring rounds are starting to fill up too.

So it's time to start planning. Yes, 

Aaron: we have, there are weekends, um, that, uh, in the spring that have, uh, they're already, uh, they were, they were in high demand, um, and they still are. And so some of the preferred tea times [00:44:00] are not available. There's a few weekends I've seen in April that are, uh, you know, off the charts as far as people already booked.

Um, and tea time availability is not, you know, not great for some of those weekends. Now we've, of course we got the whole spring, so there's, you know, there's plenty of availability, but. But there's, if you want to do it, I would recommend getting on it because, um, a big reason too is the early booking discounts.

Uh, you know, the earlier you book, the better the rate you're going to get to, um, that's from accommodations or a golf course side. So the earlier you can book, the better the rate you'll get. 

Ben: And the listeners out there, um, You know that the time to book is now because we're getting quotes left and right so people are planning whether it is a foursome or 40 golfers so the the time to book is now Mike.

I'm sure your t sheets are 

Mike: filling up Yeah I was just gonna second that what Aaron was saying because I was looking at some numbers the other day and we're we already and this is we're in September and You look at all the way to March and we already have [00:45:00] over 500 round package rounds booked for March and then over 400 Package rounds already booked for April.

That doesn't count any other rounds that have been booked somehow, some way. But yeah, I mean, people are reserving their rounds, um, and reserving accommodations as well. So, um, if you're thinking about making a trip. To the Myrtle Beach, you know, Grand Strand area, uh, I would get on it sooner than later. And sometimes, like Aaron was saying, the sooner you book, the better your prices are.

Aaron: And that's something, you know, that the, uh, the listeners, uh, should know if they're not aware of is the, the course rates do change based on their availability, which is why we say early booking discount because the less availability they have, you know, the higher the rate can be. So that's what's the early, the early book really comes into play on that.

Ben: You know, mbgolf. com has you covered on, you know, where to play and where to stay and the accommodations go the same way. So accommodations are booking up fast too. And those prices are going to go up if they're in demand and in short supply. [00:46:00] So, uh, the accommodations of this episode, uh, is barefoot resort, golf villas and, uh, condos.

Aaron, we've got some two and three and Um, condos, uh, on the waterfront, uh, looking over the intercoastal waterway that are just, uh, a dream for, uh, uh, a golf package. Yeah, 

Aaron: fantastic. Um, the, you know, the two, three bedroom golf villas, um, are, are really popular among our golf groups. Um, the, the yacht club or the north tower villas, uh, which are the two, three and four bedrooms.

Uh, look right over the waterway and barefoot landing, um, both from a location standpoint, great because barefoot landing provides a lot of, uh, you know, restaurants, entertainment, things like that, that you're not far away from. Um, it is a, you know, it's just a short drive across the bridge. Um, and you're there, you've got everything you need from a, you know, restaurant bar.

entertainment, anything, uh, right in Barefoot [00:47:00] Landing or even in the North Myrtle Beach area because just in North Myrtle Beach is a few minutes drive away too. So, so location is, is prime.

Ben:  Yeah, the, is a great location and Barefoot is the top shopping, dining, nightlife. Um, destination and all North Myrtle Beach and you're overlooking it.

Uh, if you stay in one of the, uh, the towers condos and you are just a short drive away, if you are staying in one of the golf villas, um, you're pretty much onsite to the four championship courses at barefoot. Um, but you're also within 25 minutes of over a dozen other premium golf courses in Myrtle Beach.

So it's. It's very centrally located and you should consider, uh, the Barefoot Resort and Villas for your next, uh, accommodation for your golf package. Alright guys, let's jump into the last but not least part of our episode where we get into teed off. So we are going to share something that tees us off about the game of golf or a personal story.

I'll [00:48:00] kick it off and Mike, you'd mentioned that Wachesaw East has a great practice facility and this might just be complaining from me or a little selfish. I don't like hitting off mats before I play and it is because I'm not a great player so I don't get any feedback of how I'm actually swinging. Um, I, it, it, it covers up a lot of mistakes, especially if it's a spongy mat.

And I'm like, man, I'm playing pretty well today. And then I go out and I'm, I'm chunking it, you know, six inches behind the ball. I'm like, okay, so my club face was really just bouncing into the ball. It wasn't. It wasn't uh, digging into the ground because I was playing off mat. So to me, it's just an unnatural way to start.

I understand from a, uh, Um, range health standpoint, you can play on grass, hit off grass, and then you go to the mats, uh, to let the, uh, the range recover. But um, I just, I just don't like it. So it teased me off. Um, just watch us all used to have mats. 

Mike:  We don't [00:49:00] actually, um, good for y'all. Well, if it makes, I don't know if it sounds any better, but you know, if we get a massive downpour, we might have to close the range cause it's actually too wet.

You know, we can't even hit off the turf because, you know, we actually would possibly in which we have before have some standing water out there, but that's very, very rare. Um, we don't, we don't have mats. Um, but yeah, you know, I, I understand. I hear that feedback and I've heard it before. So I totally understand 

Aaron: what you're saying.

What he's saying, Ben, is if it rains. Don't go use their range. He doesn't want you down there.

Mike: Chunking it up. 

Ben: Yeah, that's, you know, that's my teed off little nitpicky, but it's just, um, and I'm not, I'm not a scratch golfer, so it's not going to really affect my score that much. I'm going to shoot around the same anyway. Um, but it's not a solid way to, to kick off around to me. Um, Mike, what [00:50:00] tees 

Mike: you off?

Um, well, I'm from a, you know... From a management point of view, if I'm looking at it from a, uh, from that perspective, um, I guess one thing that always kind of grinds my gear on the golf course is, um, and I, you know, I'm not, I'm definitely not knocking anybody who needs a handicap flag. I think it's great for those people to come out and play.

Honestly, I mean, they're getting out of the house or getting exercise. That's great. But for those people who especially don't need a handicap flag. Who can, you know, walk from the car to the cart and, you know, from here to there, but then take the cart up to the tee box or up to the green. So like we want the golf courses.

And I say we, I think, you know, just the entire golf community, not just the golf course itself, not just the staff. Like we want the golf courses to be in as great a shape as possible for as long as we plan. You know, the courses are going to be 100%. Pure premium, you know, 365 365 days. It's mother Nate. You have to play it mother nature And you can't [00:51:00] control mother nature.

So why not try this push cart signs there for a reason that we don't just We don't just randomly put out a cart sign or we don't randomly tell golfers, Hey, please don't drive near tee boxes or up on fringes or, Hey, can you keep it off the par threes? Like these are all put in place for a reason. And so that tees me off when I see people just, you know, Hey, it's cart path only, you know, you seem fine walking and everything, but you have to take it all the way over there.

For what reason? Yeah. So that, that, from a, from a management standpoint, you know, from a business management standpoint, that, that teased me. 

Aaron: Those are the same guys that drive the cart up onto the green, but when the beverage cart comes around, they can run a beeline straight to you without 

Ben: any help. The abuse of the, and I totally agree with Mike.

Accessibility of this game is beautiful. Um, you know, WatchSouthEast is making up tees in a fair way. So to tee it forward for someone that might be handicapped, or youth, or older. So it's, it's, it's, the game is getting so [00:52:00] accessible. A handicap flag is one of those things. But when it is abused, it tees everybody off.

Not just management, but the people that are playing behind people like that. And see it every time. And it's like, come on. 

Mike: And that's the thing too. It, it's the perception that it gives off and it's not, I'm not even saying it's, it's those, um, people with handicap flags because sometimes they're the most respectful ones.

Yeah, yeah. Um, it's, it's those who don't need a handicap flag who take advantage of it sometimes. And like you just said, it's the perception that it gives off where, oh, well that group in front of me just did it. I'm just gonna drive on the tee box. Or near the tee box. Yeah, exactly. There's ropes there for a reason so you don't drive.

30 yards forward and then 40 yards back, you know, things are put in place for a reason. Monkey see 

Ben: monkey do. 

Mike: We want to make it as enjoyable for everybody. So that always has, you know, T you know, grind my gears and teed me off sometimes. I'm just like, Oh man, what are you doing? Like you don't need to do 

Ben: that.

That's a really great teed off that I think a lot of people can relate to Aaron. [00:53:00] What tees you off, my friend?  

Aaron:  Well I'm going to follow up on something that teed you off on a previous podcast. Um, this was, uh, referring to the, the gimme putts. Uh, you know, people being too gracious with their gimmies. Um, I'm going to say this happened recently in a round, and I had a friend that was not playing so well, so we were trying to assist by giving some gimmies.

Refused to take them. Hmm. Just take the gimmie. Yeah, you know, just take it 

Ben: even in even a pity game. You take it. 

Aaron: Yeah I mean we we really tried and wouldn't take it and that really teed me off because we were trying to move things along nuts You know, we were playing at a fine pace but we were trying to try to help a friend out and wouldn't take it and That was that was had to be a first for me where somebody turned down a gimmick I don't know if just he wanted to prove his point that he could play better But that was hopefully to get them over the hump and he didn't take [00:54:00] it.

And it, it teed me off.

Ben:  Well, did he overcome his, uh, his poor play?

Oh man. So yeah, I had the exact opposite effect. You know, I tried to help. Somebody and they took the games and then all of a sudden they were bragging about how well they're playing. Oh, yeah. 

Mike: Yeah I have a buddy I played with he um He goes something along the lines of you get a breakfast ball, which is you know, everybody gets a breakfast I'm fine with the breakfast ball If you don't use the breakfast ball in the first shot you get to use it somewhere else now along the along the nine holes Yeah, and then you get You get a mulligan per nine holes as well so and if you don't use either one you can carry them over to the To the backside.

So like you had a breakfast ball number 10, and then you might have two mulligans and you can use your mulligan anywhere you want. 

Ben: So, so you could have up to four mulligans on the back nine if you don't use them

Mike: . Honestly, man, I don't even, after a while I just little track. I'm just like, yeah, like how, whatever you need, man, just keep taking how many strokes are you giving 'em?[00:55:00] 

Yeah. And then some somehow, like we always like are done and I lose and like, I just, I'm like, okay, I got three scales off you today, right? Yeah. What's up with your game? I'm gonna 

Aaron: need six aside, four mulligans. 

Mike: And three breakfast balls. Those are my buddies that I'm not playing money for. There's no money involved here.

We'll get a drink afterwards and somehow I always lose. Oh man, well, a little bonus teed off. Yeah, there's a bonus teed off for sure. 

Ben: Uh, well those are good teed offs. It's been a great episode. We've got Mike DeLuca, head PGA professional of Wachesaw Yeast Plantation. Mike, thanks so much for joining us.

Thanks for having me, guys. Thanks, Mike. Thank you, guys. It's been a pleasure. And it was another great episode. Uh, thanks everyone for listening. Remember to go to mbgolf. com to check everything out, uh, watch us all East related, Barefoot Villas related, all the other great golf courses that Myrtle Beach has to offer.

All the other great accommodations that MB Golf has exclusive access to offer, and, uh, we'll see you next time.[00:56:00] 

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